The Journey Series.
24 x 30 in.
Oil on canvas.
Every choice that's made is essential as it affects the direction or path one takes. It only takes one place, one conversation, one moment or one decision to completely alter the course of your journey.
Manifesting Dreams.
24 x 36 in.
Oil on canvas.
A self-portrait of the artist in her room, reading the book "How to be a successful artist". She took a moment from brainstorming her next steps to becoming a world renowned artist, to take a selfie.
Peace & Prosperity.
24 x 30 in.
Oil on canvas.
Finding peace within sometimes requires us to move from certain places and certain mindsets. Sometimes we can discover this inner peace by getting closer to nature and prayer. Once our mindset is calm, we can then prosper.
Out with the negative, in with the positive.
24 x 30 in.
Oil on canvas.
Release your frustrations, compose yourself, maintain a positive attitude, and attract what God has planned for you. We all have a purpose, let’s walk in it.